Kitchen Tips

With many of us experiencing more time at home than we are perhaps used to in recent weeks, the temptation to try new things in the kitchen can be overwhelming. 
There are so many cookery programmes, online recipes and social media gurus that it can often be difficult to know where to start.  

In search of some particle advice, we caught up with Christopher Mouyiassi, executive head chef at Luton Hoo, for his top three tips kitchen survival during lockdown! 
1 – Make it fun 
If you have a young family, involve the children.  They can love baking, and making pizzas from scratch, for example.  Put a pin in the home schooling for an hour or two and teach them life skills which they will use later! 

2 – Plan for tomorrow 
If you are making a casserole, for example, make enough for a few meals and freeze it.  When you are on a Netflix binge you have home cooked food in the freezer, ready to go!

3 – Zero waste 
Any vegetables that are getting past their best, blanch then chill them and put them in the freezer.  When it’s time to prepare your Sunday roast, pull your broccoli (or carrots) out of the freezer, add a dash of oil, a splash of maple syrup and a few cumin seeds and your veg is done and ready for your roast!  

Happy cooking!